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Category: AI Artwork

Im interested in documenting how early versions of AI see themselves integrating with humanity. Questioning how they assemble their perceived reality. I like to build a quandary of the masculine and the feminine. Will the AI speak in tropes?

The construction of each vignette has its flaws, storyline and mysteries to discover. It’s much like a Polaroid. Prompting, having become the lightbulb pop of pressing the button, now is a buzzword and job description. Where the whir and whizz of the Poloraid being spit out are now a whirring black box of bytes and bits, turning on and off, in some far off server station. Parsing the catalogs of humanity to build its own version. The AI has become the model. Translating the moment where the thought becomes engraved into digital reality.

Using AI to make images feels like a surrealist form of etch-a-sketch. This period a testament to how far image making has come. Creating entirely new realities our brain cannot decipher the difference. And this is just the beginning. Where AI metes out its opinion. I think it’s important to regard this moment in history. People like Twitter founder Jack Dorsey have made dark predictions that AI is taking away our agency.

Regardless, we can only be here once, defining the directions of our next era. Exploding into existence, thoughts with a press of the button. We create new realities, new possibilities, and new dangers. I’m excited to be an explorer here and write a story of what AI was, when it first began.

In my current work I’ve used AI to create a large body of images. Then repurposing these works into my own personal works, creating prints and acrylic paintings on canvas. I’m observing as the AI copes with trying to understand humanity and rules of the universe.

Im interested in documenting how early versions of AI see themselves integrating with humanity. Questioning how they assemble their perceived reality. I like to build a quandary of the masculine and the feminine. Will the AI speak in tropes?

The construction of each vignette has its flaws, storyline and mysteries to discover. It’s much like a Polaroid. Prompting, having become the lightbulb pop of pressing the button, now is a buzzword and job description. Where the whir and whizz of the Poloraid being spit out are now a whirring black box of bytes and bits, turning on and off, in some far off server station. Parsing the catalogs of humanity to build its own version. The AI has become the model. Translating the moment where the thought becomes engraved into digital reality.

Using AI to make images feels like a surrealist form of etch-a-sketch. This period a testament to how far image making has come. Creating entirely new realities our brain cannot decipher the difference. And this is just the beginning. Where AI metes out its opinion. I think it’s important to regard this moment in history. People like Twitter founder Jack Dorsey have made dark predictions that AI is taking away our agency.

Regardless, we can only be here once, defining the directions of our next era. Exploding into existence, thoughts with a press of the button. We create new realities, new possibilities, and new dangers. I’m excited to be an explorer here and write a story of what AI was, when it first began.

In my current work I’ve used AI to create a large body of images. Then repurposing these works into my own personal works, creating prints and acrylic paintings on canvas. I’m observing as the AI copes with trying to understand humanity and rules of the universe.

Artificially Unintelligent

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